"I believed; therefore I have spoken."

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Power Of Love

"If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also." Luke 6:29

I believe angry people and haters are weak. Whatever their action or reaction towards you is, it is only an expression of their fear. It is a primitive behavior. Protecting themselves or a provision of protecting themselves is the ignition for such acts. 
Jesus did not mean physical assaults only. What he taught us also covers anything that can hurt (mentally, economically, materially).
Now imagine you are the one who is "hit". I know it is not that hard as it might happen to you hundred times or more a day. 
Imagine and think how you are going to react! 
Two options are here. Or you "hit" back, either you turn the other also!
If you "hit" back, that will be it. You ignite an endless war with endless losses, as you just showed the other your fear and weakness.
If you turn the other, he (she) will have to think whether you are "dumb" or a lot more stronger than him (her). But whatever he (she) thinks or does, you are the one who will win. How??!!
- If the assault stops because you are "dumb" or strong, you will just stop the war, and win with Jesus.
- If the assault goes on, you will win yourself in Jesus even if you lost your own life. 

It sounds crazy, but do we own anything? 
I know what I am saying here is the complete opposite of all the rules of the world. 
It makes me think how far are we from Jesus?! How far are we from dropping everything and follow him?! How far are we from accepting God's will and forgive our enemies?!

God forgive us and have mercy on us.

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