"I believed; therefore I have spoken."

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Numbers Can Talk…

Looking at my work on this page, anyone can see how much I wrote about my God this year, and even the year before… everything look like I’m away…
I don’t have the right to say that God is away from me… because I’m the one who is away!
As I do like to investigate myself, I’m re examining the causes to get a good treatment…
As a word of God, who do you think is the enemy who wants to shuts her off? Only devil is the meant to be!
He may use every method to accomplish his mission… and we have the freedom to choose…
I didn’t change any of my thoughts about my lovely God, and they will never be changed… and this is what he hates…
What to do to make me lose my role?
Just keeping me away, or at least feeling away from the holy light… and being away from God, means that the candles of our hope and faith may not last so long…
I will not hide on you that while writing these words, I fell asleep twice while sitting on my chair… I woke up suddenly to see that my computer is still on… I closed it reactively… I went to the toilet, and on the way back I remembered what I just wrote “he may use any method to keep you away”…
He thinks that he is smart… and that he has the power to do whatever he wants… but he didn’t know that God is right there…
I decided directly to re open my document, and write even a small word to add it on my way to the kingdom of God…
I think that this devil has to be smarter, to invent another method than keeping me busy and angry…

Remember that we must be alert, because our war is not with bodies, but with the darkest souls!!

1 comment:

LocalHopsLocalBeer said...

Themes and Convictions:

Your transparency and self reflection is refreshing. I too have cleaned up journal entries and am astounded at the themes that I typically write upon. Your site was stumbled upon but was encouraging to me. Thank you for the road bump and the perspective.
