"I believed; therefore I have spoken."

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Discussing The Gospel Of Juda

An article published by National Geographic since 2 weeks, introducing this important discovery of the 21 century, that will act in a way to make “A lot of people upset.”
I will introduce an aswer to every part of there article in a so strict way (in Bold).

They started there article with: “Lost for nearly 1,700 years, a crumbling papyrus manuscript presents the most hated man in history in a new light”.

Who said we hate Judas? where is this marked in our bible?
The one who hates is not a christian. Very simple...

“pe-di-ah-kawn-aus ente plah-nay. These strange words were Coptic, the language spoken in Egypt at the dawn of Christianity. They had gone unheard ever since the early church declared the document off-limits for Christians. This is a passage where Jesus is explaining to the disciples that they are on the wrong track".

The off-limits are for the one who don't know or refuse to know who is Jesus & why he came to us. Sirs, christianity is a shut off of every limits. His words are not something flying around, or written on books, his word is written on our hearts.

Disciples are humans as we are, then the faults are almost always possible, no one said that they are always right in everything, even our bible that you are blaming to be wrong said that many times... Jesus said it many times: till when i will stay with you...
Then, if he is saying that to his disciples, the ones who saw him, & believed him, what will he says to everyone of us?... are we on the wright track???!...

Jesus Christ’s close friend, one of the 12 Apostles, who sold him out for 30 pieces of silver, identifying him with a kiss.

Jesus is a close friend of everyone of us, not only the 12 Apostles, and we sold him and still doing it everyday, even cheaper than that... so what is your discovery?

"As Christianity distanced itself from its origins as a Jewish sect, Christian thinkers found it increasingly convenient to blame the Jews as a people for the arrest and execution of Christ, and to cast Judas as the archetypal Jew. The four Gospels, for example, treat Roman governor Pontius Pilate gently while condemning Judas and the Jewish high priests".

"Forgive them because they don't know what they are doing"... does someone remember these words... Jesus said that before dying, so stop this delire... no one is blaming anyone... all sins were forgiven...

"The “secret account” gives us a very different Judas. In this version, he is a hero. Unlike the other disciples, he truly understands Christ’s message. In handing Jesus over to the authorities, he is doing his leader’s bidding, knowing full well the fate he will bring on himself. Jesus warns him: “You will be cursed"."

Hey, we don't understand what he understanded?!... it is like you are saying: he is the only smart trusted one, and the other eleven are just dumbs, and even the enemies of Christ message!!...
The 12 were chosen, not by anyone, but by God himself, so no way to errors... even with Judas real story...
And if Judas was the best of the best, how couldn't God protect him from being cursed?!!... and why he took the 30 pieces of Silver?...

"This message is startling enough to raise suspicions of fraud, common with alleged biblical artifacts".

Christianity is the full & free love Of God... the ones searching for artifacts, are the ones who want to find a reason for their bad ways...

“Christianity trying to find its style.”

Christianity is not a style... it is a life...

"The Judas gospel vividly reflects the struggle waged long ago between the Gnostics and the hierarchical church. In the very first scene Jesus laughs at the disciples for praying to “your god,” meaning the disastrous god who created the world. He compares the disciples to a priest in the temple (almost certainly a reference to the mainstream church), whom he calls “a minister of error” planting “trees without fruit, in my name, in a shameful manner.” He challenges the disciples to look at him and understand what he really is, but they turn away".

They talk about Jesus, as if he is someone who hates his disciples... or if he don't want them to understand, or even, as if it was so difficult to him to make them understand...
They talk about Jesus, as if he died just for Judas, the one who is planting fruitful trees, not for us & Judas & every Disciple...
While searching if the disciples planted or didnt't plant fruitful trees, isn't reasonable to start planting something??!...

"The key passage comes when Jesus tells Judas: “You will sacrifice the man that clothes me.” Judas did to him a favor." The canonical Gospels say Jesus prayed to God that he would not have to die. In contrast, the Gospel of Judas says that Jesus wanted to die to rejoin the fullness of God."

What is that important discovery?! read the bible sirs before giving us your new gospel... read it well... Jesus knew very well that he is going to die & to resuscitate, he knew also that someone is going to deliver him... and he knew who is this one... he has many ways to escape if he didn't want to die... he came to die... it is his mission and it's already done...
That's very true, he prayed that he would not have to die... do you know why sirs?? because it was not a normal death as every one... he died while boring every sin on earth, done before his presence on earth, during it, now and till the end of life on earth... he prayed yes, but he accepted the will of God, even that it was dying for sinners, while no one accept to die to deliver a good one... Do you accept it once?

Lift up your eyes and look at the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it,” Jesus tells him encouragingly. “The star that leads the way is your star.” Ultimately, Judas has a revelation in which he enters a “luminous cloud.People on the ground hear a voice from the cloud, though what it says may be forever unknown due to a tear in te papyrus.

Ah! what a chance... a word said by god, lost because of a tear in a papyrus?!!
Oh! what can we do now?

"We will stop loving each other... we will hate every one including the disciples... we will hate Jesus"...
"We can do whatever we want... enjoy our life in every way... there is no god... it is just stories made by someone to make us lose our freedom"...
" The bible is all wrong... just a big lie"...
"Believers are just dumbs like their disciples"...
"I question if their is really a Jesus"...

This is the minimum said by many ones after opening the pages of Juda's Gospel...
What i can say: "Devil is just making another effort to improve his kingdom on earth, so be CAREFUL"...

Sassine El Nabbout MD.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Regarding The Gospel Of Judas

I am continually amazed at the ability of the modern press to show it's own colors to an apparently colorblind nation.
Recently therehas been a swarm of coverage around the Gospel of Judas, an apparentrecent discovery, and insightful document concerning therelationship between Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot. What the press failed to mention is the wealth of information regarding the Gospel of Judas, it's origins, meanings, and impact on Christianity.
The media would have you believe that some newdiscovery or truth about Christ has now been revealed. One radio reporter inferred that Easter would now be changed forever becauseof this new information.
People have been surprised to learn of a possible friendship between Judas and Jesus. Even more astounding, it seems, is the idea that the actions of Judas were, in fact, inline with the will of God through Jesus.
The Gospels contain nothing which would lead readers to believe that Judas and Jesus were not close. Judas was the treasurer for the chosen twelve. Obviously he was trustworthy, and a man of honor. Heseems no less close to Jesus than the 4 authors of the canonical gospels. Of course he is painted in a negative light by hisbrethren. Imagine living with a man for 3 years, communing with him daily, trusting him, only to have him betray the one Person you haveboth sworn to serve. That is a wound which does not heal easily.
And truth be told, Judas's actions were directly in line with thewill of the Father. Christ had to be turned over to the authorities, that he might be sacrificed for all mankind. This does not mean that what Judas did was righteous, or self lessly motivated. The idea Judas was a hero is historically claimed as being popular among the early gnostics, who proposed the idea of Godas an evil ruler and the biblical anti-heroes as the bringer of the Messiah.
Accuracy aside, let us assume this Gospel of Judas is authentic. What is the significance of Judas's actions, if they were in factdone out of obedience? What effect do they have on the Salvation which Christ's death brought to humanity? Absolutley none.
Evenif Judas had been instructed by Christ to betray Him, that would not change the significance of the cross.Remember that the media may have taken hold of this document inorder to promote their own present agenda, but the church has bothacknowledged and studied the Gospel of Judas since 180AD, when it was first mentioned by Irenaeus, an early Church Bishop.We must not fear the attempts of the enemy to trip us up. The truthis infallible in it's own right.
Remember, that any rash ordramatic reaction from the Christian community only pro-ports what the enemy is trying to tell the world: the present day Christian Church is an irrational bunch of bible bashers who don't know theirown history. Let us be calm, controlling ourselves in the face ofconstant adversity. Remember God's advice to Cain, "...sin is crouching at the door. It desires to dominate you, but you must subdue it."
The power of Christ's actions and their everlasting effects cannotbe altered by any document, ancient or not. Know your history, know the story of our Savior and cherish every detail.

Copyright 2006 by JM Leary

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

من أقوال الآباء

الفضيلة والرذيلة هما للنفس كالصحة والمرض للجسد، وكذلك المعرفة والجهل بالنسبة إلى الذهن. وكلّما واظبنا على التقوى أو على العمل، ازداد الذهن إشراقاً بالمعرفة، ونصبح عندئذٍ أهلاً للرحمة عبر الوصية الخامسة، وفيها يقول الرب:" طوبى للرحماء ".
الرحيم هو المتعاطف مع القريب فيغيثه بما ناله من الربّ من مالٍ، وغذاء، وقوة، وكلامٍ مسعفٍ وصلاة. أي أنّه بكلّ قدرته وبدافع رقّته، يفتح قلبه للسائل ويحسب أنّه مدينٌ له، لأنّه نال أكثر بكثير ممّا طلب منه. إذ أنّ المسيح جاد عليه في هذا الدهر وفي الدهر الآتي، بأن يدعى
مثل الله رحيماً.
ليس المؤمن من يؤمن بكلّ شيء، بل بالله وحده. أترك البحث واعتنق الإيمان.
الإيمان نورٌ منيرٌ للجميع، وحيث يكون تكمن القوّة.

الصلاة تقودنا إلى الينبوع السماوي، تملأنا من ذاك الشراب، فتجري منّا ينبوع ماءٍ أبدي.
الصلاة تؤكد لنا الخيرات الآتية، وبالإيمان تعرّفنا المعرفة الفضلى للخيرات الحاضرة.
الصلاة لا تقتصر على الكلمات، بل إنّها اندفاعٌ إلى الله، حبٌّ غريب لا يأتي من البشر.
الصلاة غنىً لا يُسلب وغذاءٌ سماوي يشبع النفس، من ذاقها غاص في شوقٍ أبدي إلى الله، كمثل نارٍ آكلةٍ تضرم القلب.

الصلاة التصاقٌ بالله في جميع لحظات الحياة ومواقفها، إلى أن تصبح الحياة صلاةً واحدة بلا انقطاعٍ ولا اضطراب.

الصلاة هي أمّ كلّ الفضائل، فالصلاة تحفظ العفة وتربيها في حضنها، تبطل الغضب وتوبخ عليه، تمنع ميول الكبرياء والحسد، تستدعي الروح القدس ليحلّ فينا، وتسمو بالنفس لترتفع إلى السماء.