Facing the new explosive ideas of this loser world, each day we hear about a new fashion concerning god & our life…
I will talk specially here about a one, we took the habitude to talk about… to hear about without any reaction…
They said: god is a human creation… they created god to govern the people… humans like the mystery, & always have fear from the unknown!... so, they gave to this unknown part of life a name : god… he don’t really exist…
They said also: being good is the only thing that we are asked to do… & we are good persons… Also: our eternity is in the human memory… we will live eternally in the memories of people… they will remember us by the good things we did during our life for the whole humanity…
But the worst one is: there is no god… but each one of us is a god…
First of all, I will repeat Jesus words: they have eyes & they cannot see… they have ears & they cannot hear…
I’m not here now to prove the presence of god… I cannot put on one page millions of years of god work… I cannot numerate god’s creations… I cannot also describe by words his beauty & power…
Even, If I prove it, they will not realize his existence, because they are blind hearted…
Now, as a response to all your thoughts, I will use your words sir to fight you & to prove that you are fortunately wrong…
Can you say to me sir (the creator of god) why such a genius as you couldn’t one day even understand his creation…
Ah! Don’t say to me also that you created animals, water, & the universe…
They are all out of your control… fortunately…
I know now that you can understand why you cannot walk or why you are coughing or why you are sick… but can you stop a viral epidemic or can you know when your heart will stop even if your vessels are all closed???....
Don’t tell me please its all by chance… & don’t tell me the carbon molecule met with hydrogen in association with oxygen & bigger molecules collects again & again & we are finally here…
Oh!! You are really such a loser creator & a weak god…
The unknown you have fear , is unknown because you didn’t want to know him… & believe me, you have to fear because you know he exists but you refuse his existence…
Being good… let me tell you sir that you are born good… as a copy of god… but living in this cruel world makes you losing this feature moment after moment… all what you are asked to be is to keep this image of god in your heart & life… so, you are not asked , but you must be good… because the goodness is your origin…
Now, the eternity you talked about, the one that you put in the memory of people, will die with them… think if all the ones that memorize you died, then your memory will die with them… how can you base on something that will end one day… believe me its not an eternity…
Finally, we are gods yes, but not alone, & not with our power, we are gods as sons of god… we are gods by our unity with the only god… we are gods with our highly pure love… we are gods because our eternity is in our heart, in our faith… & we are gods because god gave us no limit to live, no limit to love…
And as a son of this god that you refused, I ask him for you to open your eyes… as a brother of you, I will pray so you can one day see the light…
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