"I believed; therefore I have spoken."

Sunday, May 01, 2005

To Remember...

Always in life, we choose the easiest ways… always we have the fear of death… always we try to not take a decision, a responsibility… always we lie to hide what we believe in… always we don’t say the truth to not be hurt… always we don’t walk in a direct way… always we put our hand in a place, our feet in another place, our heart in a place and our faith in a completely different place… always we walk around a situation but we don’t pass through it… always & always…

Isn’t time now to choose the right way but not the easiest one!?…

Isn’t time now to believe in the eternal life?!…

Isn’t the good time now to take a real decision, a man’s decision?…

Isn’t time to say the truth whatever will happen?…

Isn’t time to walk only in one right way, the way of Jesus?…

Isn’t time to put all our life in the hands of god & only god?…

Isn’t time to confront situations?… to continue our life in the light, not just dying in the shadow?…

Isn’t time to remember the son of man…
Our god…

Isn’t time to know our clear and only real mission as he knew it…
He confronted death… he had for sure many ways to run around… and even that may keep him alive, a king of earth… without pain… But he said: for that I came here… He came for us… to die, because we are sinners… He came to release us and he released us…

Trust me, it’s the time to be a real brother of the son of man…
Don’t wait for tomorrow, because you may not have enough extra time… And because the time of truth is now, don’t miss your chance…